The alignment of the teeth has a critical role to play in our well-being and aesthetics. Misalignment of teeth can lead to health concerns. It is best to get this treated before it is too late. Often we believe that undergoing orthodontic treatment can help deal with it. Each concern has a specific solution to it. Sometimes orthodontic treatment is not enough. If you have had some form of braces and your top and bottom teeth do not align, then jaw surgery could help. Also known as Orthognathic surgery, it can help correct teeth alignment and improve facial features. If considering this dental treatment, here is all that you need to know about it.

 Why is there still an overbite after removing the braces?

Often most orthodontic concerns can be fixed with the help of braces or clear aligners. They don’t usually require any re-treatment. Sometimes the case is complex and can’t be entirely handled with the help of orthodontic treatment. If after removing the braces, there is still an overbite, the concern might be more complicated than you anticipated. In such a situation, the dentist will carry out a thorough dental inspection. Often jaw surgery is recommended to fix the problem.

Can the asymmetrical jaw be fixed without surgery?

When there are minor misalignment issues they can be targeted through orthodontic treatment. Whereas in the case of excessive asymmetry, these treatments might not be sufficient on their own. Pairing them with the surgical approach can help to correct the position and angulation of the jaw.

What will be helpful when one has an uneven jaw?

This is natural to wonder. If there are minor realignment concerns, braces might be helpful enough to help achieve the alignment. In complex cases, surgery might be required. For that, the orthodontist will carry out a thorough clinical dental examination. This is done to determine the underlying cause and severity of the problem. Based on the analysis, they will draw up a treatment plan. It could include either braces or surgery. In some situations, it includes both.

What are the concerns targeted by jaw surgery?

Jaw surgery is an excellent treatment option for targeting various maxillofacial issues. These include correcting the jaw alignment or fixing jaw fractures or dislocations. The surgery can help to improve the appearance and facial profile. Jaw surgery can efficiently target various complex concerns, only when the surgery has been performed by an experienced and skilled surgeon.

What are the risks associated with the surgery that is carried out for fixing the underbite?

The risks associated with jaw corrective surgery are similar to those present in other surgical procedures. These include postoperative infection or relapse of the surgical treatment. These risks can be avoided or the chances can be brought down by choosing the right surgeon. It is crucial to make the right decision, as careful planning and surgical precision are required for bringing down the chances of risks and complications. Experience and skill come in handy.